On Thomas Sunday, the feast day of Holy Resurrection Cathedral of the Diocese of the South America is prayerfully celebrated in Buenos Aires

On Thomas Sunday, May 12, 2024, the patronal feast of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Savior in Buenos Aires was celebrated in accordance with tradition. The solemn service was led by His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America. Concelebrating with His Grace were His Eminence Metropolitan James of Buenos Aires and Argentina (Orthodox Church of Antioch) and His Grace Bishop Leonid of Argentina and South America (Moscow Patriarchate). They were co-served by clergymen from the three dioceses.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Vladyka John said in his welcoming remarks that just as in the time of the Gospel, all the Apostles, including Thomas, gathered only a week after the Resurrection, so now, we gather together with representatives of other Orthodox Churches a week after the Feast of Pascha.

And according to the words of Blessed Augustine, just as Thomas had a good reason to be absent on the day of the Resurrection, so for a good reason His Grace Bishop Kirill, the local hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, was absent today from the feast: he prayed in the Ostrog Monastery before the relics of the great Serbian saint, St Vasil of Ostrog, whose memory was also celebrated on the day of Anti-Pascha this year.

At the end of the service, all guests were treated to a festive dinner in the cathedral hall, prepared by members of the diocesan sisterhood.

South American Diocese

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