Palm Sunday at Elevation of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Geneva

On Sunday 15/28, 2024, the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Divine Services at Elevation of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Geneva were headed by two hierarchs: His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, and his predecessor on the cathedra of Geneva, His Eminence Archbishop Michael (retired). A spirit of fraternal joy marked the Divine Liturgy, attended by some 500 believers, who thus began the observance of Passion Week. Bishop Irenei invited Archbishop Michael to deliver a homily to the faithful, whose words inspired them, to be filled with childlike zeal on this Sunday of the Lord. At the end of the Liturgy the hierarchs exchanged warm fraternal words of congratulation with the Lord’s entry into the city of the “King of Kings.”

The Sunday services marked the conclusion of Bishop Irenei’s archpastoral visit to the Cathedral, during which he served the rite of Holy Unction on Friday evening, as well as the services of Lazarus Saturday and the eve of Palm Sunday. Co-serving His Grace during the Divine Services of these days were the clergy of the Geneva Cathedral: Archpriest Pavel Tzvetkoff; Archpriest Emilian Pocinoc; Archdeacon Dometian (Redko); Deacon Antony Barros; along with clergy from nearby parishes of the Diocese: Priest Pavel Golynski; Priest Vladimir Svystun; Priest Aviv Saliou-Diallo and Protodeacon Michael Vernaz. Subdeacon Pavel Lisitsyn travelled with the Bishop from London and assisted, together with the large collection of Subdeacons, Readers and acolytes of the Cathedral.

During his visit, the archpastor also chaired meetings of the Parish Council and the Cathedral Foundation, and spent considerable time visiting with the faithful parishioners of the large cathedral community.


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