The Primate visits the Diocese of Mid-America

On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, the feast of the Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, celebrated Divine Liturgy, and performed all-night vigil the day before, at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Chicago. Concelebrating with His Eminence were His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, Head of the Archdiocese of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the United States, His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America, and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest (Orthodox Church in America), His Grace Bishop Longin of Novo-Gracanica and Midwestern America (Serbian Orthodox Church) and His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America, along with a host of clergy of the Diocese of Mid-America and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches.

During the minor entrance of the Divine Liturgy, a cleric of the Mid-American Diocese, Deacon Alexander Petrovsky, was elevated to the rank of protodeacon.

At the end of Divine Liturgy, a Patriarchal greeting and a congratulatory address of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia were read out on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the episcopal consecration of Archbishop Peter, to whom Metropolitan Nicholas presented a gift of a cross and panagia.

Then representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches and the clergy of the Mid-American Diocese also read greetings and presented His Eminence with memorial gifts.

The fellowship of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, archpastors, clergy and assembled worshippers continued at the festive meal.

During his stay in Chicago, His Eminence Bishop Nicholas visited the retired Archpriest Andrei Papkov, the children's and youth camp of the Mid-American Diocese and the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Orthodox Church in America, where the First Hierarch and his entourage were warmly welcomed by Archbishop Daniel.

On Thursday, July 13, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas went to Cleveland, where he venerated the holy relics of the Cathedral of St Sergius and Radonezh and talked with the clergy and faithful, and the next day he arrived in Erie, PA, to participate in the celebrations dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the canonical reception of the local Nativity of Christ Old Rite community into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

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