Pascha at the Cathedral of the Elevation of the Cross in Geneva

All of the cycle of divine services of Passion Week and Pascha were performed at the Cathedral of the Elevation of the Cross in Geneva, Switzerland. Hundreds of faithful attended every day of the week, among other things to hear the 12 Passion Gospels, venerate the Holy Shroud and hear the joyous Paschal hymns declaring the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Performing the services were the cathedral’s clerics: Archpriest Pavel Tsvetkoff, Archpriest Emilian Pocinoc, along with Archdeacon Dometian (Redko) and Deacon Vladimir Svistun. The choir sang beautifully and selflessly.

As dictated by tradition, the Feast of feasts, Pascha of Christ, was declared in many languages as the many worshipers responded joyously. This year, even with the observance of all quarantine measures, over a thousand believers were able to attend at least a few minutes of the celebration, light candles, submit commemoration slips, have the Paschal foods blessed. Small collections of food were blessed, in a dozen shifts. Those who could not participate in divine services were at least able to partake of the Holy Gifts of Christ.

On Monday, the second day of Pascha, many children and teenagers were in attendance at Liturgy, after which a procession of the cross was held and sweets distributed. On the third day of Bright Week, Archpriest Mikhail Gundyaev of Nativity of the Most-Holy Mother of God Parish received visitors together with his parishioners.

Divine Liturgy is being celebrated every day of Bright Week, attended by an enormous number of worshipers.

From the official website of the Geneva Cathedral.


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