On the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, at 7 pm, the "Second Pan-Orthodox Choir Concert of Munich" was held. This year, the gathering was organized at the Church of Tsar-Martyr Jovan Vladimir in Perlach ( Munich ). At the invitation of the organizers, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany and a multitude of clergymen of the Orthodox parishes of Munich attended. Vladyka was greeted with great joy, and he was asked to address the audience. In his speech, Vladyka said that the annual meeting of the choirs was a welcome tradition, and that they were happy for the chance to meet this way. The Orthodox choirs of Munich each gave 10-15-minute performances: the Georgian Women's Choir, a powerful Greek men's choir, followed by the Slavic choirs: a large mixed Russian choir comprising 20 singers (of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia), Bulgarian and Rumanian choirs, a small Russian women's choir consisting of 5 singers (of the Moscow Patriarchate), and a large Serbian choir. The choir of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia sang three pieces: "
Chertog Tvoi " by Bortniansky, the Cherubic Hymn in German and "
Dostojno est " by Hegumen Nafanail. The organizers of the event, Greek professors of the Theological Institute of Munich University (enthusiasts of church singing), had welcomed the singing of the Russian Church Abroad's choir with great warmth last year, and this year offered that they begin the Slavic portion of the program. After the concert, a joyous reception was offered at the Serbian parish hall.