Music School 2003
The Church Music School at Holy Trinity Seminary will be held
from 29 June until 13 July this year.
The Church Music School at Holy Trinity Seminary was established
in 1992 with the blessing of the Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary,
His Eminence Metropolitan (then Archbishop) Laurus. The full
course includes three summer sessions, upon which graduates
are certified as choir directors, psalm readers, and choir-direcotors/psalm
readers, upon testing by Holy Trinity Seminary. Individuals
who do not seek certification but wishing to increase their
knowledge of the field may audit separate classes or the entire
course by mutual agreement with the School administration.
Courses offered are:
1. The History of Russian Church Music
2. Music Theory and Musicianship
3. Choir Conducting Techniques
4. Voice classes
5. Liturgical Performance Practice
6. Church Slavonic
7. Liturgics for Choir Directors
The 2003 teaching staff:
Joanne Grigorieff, Toronto University
Joseph McLellan, PhD, Brown University
Nikolay Myshkin, Moscow State Conservatory
Anatoly Panchoshnyy, Gnesin Pedagogical Institute
Natalia Panchoshnaya, Binghamton University
Priest Andre Papkov, New England Conservatory
Elena Perekrestova, Harvard University
For information, see:
or contact the School Director, Rev. Andre Papkov, at
Rev. Andre Papkov
54 Fourth Street
Ilion, NY 13357, U.S.A.
Tel: (315) 894-6274