MOSCOW: 8 April 2003


Appeal of Patriarch Alexy to All Western European Bishops of the “Russian Tradition.”

Moscow Patriarch Alexy appealed to the bishops and all Orthodox parishes of the “Russian tradition” in the countries of Western Europe. Among the addressees was His Grace Bishop Ambroise of Geneva and Western Europe of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

His appeal includes the proposal to create an autonomous metropoliate district which would include dioceses, parishes and communities of Russian origin and the Russian tradition in Western Europe (parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, the Moscow Patriarchate and Russian parishes of the Constantinople Patriarchate, the so-called “Paris jurisdiction”). “The reestablishment of church unity of the Russian diaspora, which the patriarchal missive calls for, will become an important step in the overcoming of the consequences of the historical tragedy of the Russian people, the schism of Russian society in the wake of the revolutionary upheavals of the beginning of the 20th century,” reported church news services.

Bishop Ambroise forwarded a copy of the patriarchal letter to his First Hierarch, His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus. The next session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is scheduled after the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women at the Monastery of St. Job, near Munich, Germany.

The text of the patriarchal letter can be viewed here:
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