Epistle of the Synod of Bishops on the 100th Anniversary
of the Glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov
the Clergy & Flock of Our Russian Church
Beloved in the Lord
Many of us, when
discussing the darkness of mankind's contemporary vicissitudes,
the evil, hatred, enmity, divisions and temptations
which hold sway in today's world, consider that in all of
this the "mighty of this world" are to blame, those
who do not understand us, do not share our views. Observing
events in the world, which everywhere suffers and is the
object of malice, we love to point out the sins, errors and
failings of those who surround us, our enemies, forgetting
that folk wisdom tells us "to look to our own garden." Let
us remember the Apostle Paul, who warned the early Christians
that because of us believers many will not turn to God, will
not come to the Church, because they will not see in us true
followers of the risen Christ who shine with His holiness,
love, humility, loving-kindness; who in their behavior, words
and deeds would establish the kingdom of God in the midst
of this sinful world. In our families and communities people
do not see that they are supposed to be an example, a living
and persuasive preaching of Orthodox Christianity, to enkindle
the hearts of men, inspiring them to serve God. And in actual
fact, if we look at our life, the life of the Orthodox man
is far from resplendent with the virtues of the Gospel. Even
though we may call ourselves Orthodox Christians, yet do
we not strive to acquire within ourselves the spirit of Christ,
the spirit of love, patience, peace, a good disposition,
mutual help.
Yet let us not
despair, brethren and sisters, but let us, to the extent
we are able, strive towards God, looking to
the example of Saint Seraphim, the wonder-worker of Sarov,
and let us try to lead a virtuous life, that men "may
by [our] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God
in the day of visitation" (I Pet. 2: 12). It is obvious
from the life of Saint Seraphim that he was an example of
true Christianity. He lived as a witness to the resurrection
of Christ, as one who knew the Resurrected One, and proclaimed
this truth by his holy life, embodying in his way of life
the words of the Apostle Paul: "Remember the Lord Jesus
Who rose from the dead!" By his paschal joy in the resurrected
Christ, his holiness of life, ascetic struggles and instructions
he led many who were "alienated from the life of God" (Eph.
4: 18) to His grace, mercy and love. The saint always taught: "Acquire
the spirit of peace (or, save yourself), and a thousand will
be saved around you;" and he fulfilled these words in
deed. One of the pastors of our Church has related how a
certain engineer, a parishioner of his, was working for some
firm where enmity and turmoil was rife among the staff, and
he did not know what to do, how to withstand this temptation.
Later he decided to pray, and results were immediately forthcoming:
he not only grew calm himself, but all those with whom he
came into contact grew calmer and sensed the sweet savor
of his life, for there was within him a peaceful spirit and
peaceful prayer. This is our plea: where there is darkness,
where there is sorrow, where it is difficult for men to bear
the cross of their life, we must be the light of Christ,
His presence. This can be a modest candle, or it can be the
light of the sun, like Saint Seraphim, of which his conversation
with Motovilov bears witness "concerning the purpose
of the Christian life;" but, in any event, we must exert
ourselves, actively striving towards God, to be a light for
the fallen world which surrounds us, illumining it and making
it less evil and dark. We must never forget that, despite
our sinfulness and unworthiness, we are still emissaries
of God, and He is sending us into this world "which
lieth in evil," that we may sanctify it, may bear unto
men the spiritual joy over the victory of Life over death,
and to give them heart.
Fathers, brethren,
sisters and children, dear in the Lord! With a sense of
paschal celebration we greet all of you‹the
children of our Church Abroad, all of our compatriots, both
those with whom we are in communion and all those with whom
we still hope for unity in the Truth‹on the remarkable jubilee
of the centennial anniversary of the glorification of Saint
Seraphim, which will be solemnly marked not only by the whole
Church of Russia, but by the whole Orthodox world as well.
The Apostle Paul writes: "Remember those who have the
rule over you..." (Heb. 13: 7). Obeying this order,
let us also comport ourselves during the festive divine services
in our churches so as to honor with prayers and hymns the
memory of our great Russian saint. Let us all try to study
his life and meditate on his personality. It is clear that
our praises are too inadequate to comprehend the full height
of the glory he has with God and his full significance for
us. Yet let us praise him, for this is essential and important
for ourselves. It is important because, in honoring the saint,
we, whether we intend to or not, compare our own life with
his life; and clearly perceiving the acute difference between
our life and his, we are moved, if only a little, to imitate
him. And this brings great benefit to us, which the Apostle
Paul also points out when he gives us the direct order, that
when we remember our instructors, we imitate their faith
and their life. And it should also be said that only such
honor shown Saint Seraphim as is, according to the Apostle's
command, joined with the imitation of his faith and piety,
his active striving towards God, is fully consistent with
our glorification of his memory.
Celebrating during
this time, so difficult for Russia and the whole world,
the glorious centennial anniversary of the
ecclesiastical glorification of Saint Seraphim, let us cry
out from the depths of our hearts: "Save us by thy supplications,
O Seraphim our venerable father!" (from the troparion).
To him let us pray that Christ arise in the heart of each
of us, so that it may become a Life-bearing Tomb in which
the risen God-man will shine forth with divine light, the
light of eternity. Let God arise also in the hearts of all
the people of Russia! Let the enemies of God and our suffering
homeland be scattered! Let Rus' rejoice and be glad in its
risen Savior and in His saint, who calls the Russian nation
to repentance, rebirth, return to its historical roots. May
the Lord help us to take up his call: "Acquire the spirit
of peace..." Let us listen, absorb this, and go forward.