The Protectress and First
Hierarch in Australia
On Wednesday, 10 July at 6 a.m., the Protectress of the Russian
Diaspora, the Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Most-Holy
Mother of God. The Icon was brought from the Western American
Diocese by His Eminence, the First Hierarch of the Russian
Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Laurus.
Russian Australia Rejoices
On Wednesday, 10 July at 6 a.m., the Protectress of the Russian
Diaspora, the Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Most-Holy
Mother of God. The Icon was brought from the Western American
Diocese by His Eminence, the First Hierarch of the Russian
Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Laurus.
At Kingsford International Airport, the Miracle-working Icon,
Vladyka Metropolitan and Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan were
greeted by the Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand
Diocese, Archbishop Hilarion, the clergy of the Sydney area,
monastics from Novoye Shamardino Monastery and other faithful
of the Australian Diocese. Everyone venerated the Kursk-Root
Icon, accompanied by the singing of its troparion, and left
the airport. Vladyka Metropolitan and the Icon were taken
to the residence of the Ruling Bishop, and at 9 a.m., Protopriest
Michael Boikov and Priests George Lapardin and Serafim Gan
performed a service of supplication to the Mother of God before
the Icon in the Cathedral in Croydon.
On Wednesday evening, Vladyka Metropolitan, along with Archbishop
Hilarion and the Sydney clergy, performed a service of supplication
with an akathist to the Mother of God before the Kursk Icon.
The Icon will be in Sydney for the duration of the All-Diaspora
Youth Conference in Sydney. The feast day of SS Peter and
Paul om 12 July will not soon be forgotten by the parishioners
of the cathedral city of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.
On this day, the feast day of the Cathedral was commemorated
with a special ceremoniousness, piety and joy. The clergy
and parishioners from all over Sydney came to the Cathedral
to pray before the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora, the
Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, to venerate the Holy
Apostles Peter and Paul, and to pray with the new First Hierarch
of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, His Eminence
Metropolitan Laurus. Hundreds of worshipers attended all-night
vigil. It was heartening to see the young people who had begun
gathering for the All-Diaspora Youth Conference, along with
countless children. Vladyka Metropolitan was met by the clergy
and all-night vigil began. The Cathedral choir sang magnificently.
Metropolitan Laurus was greeted at the Cathedral at 9 a.m.
on Friday, 12 July. Besides the local Hierarchal Choir, a
children’s choir sang as well. His Eminence the First
Hierarch served together with Archbishop Hilarion, Archbishop
Chrysostom (of the Greek Old-Style Church) and Bishop Gabriel
of Manhattan, along with a multitude of clergy from Brazil,
San Francisco, Russia and various Australian cities. Vladyka
Metropolitan ordained into the deaconate subdeacon Alexander
during liturgy. The Cathedral was overfilled with worshipers
and as a result, many had to stand outside. In his sermon,
Vladyka Metropolitan called upon those present to emulate
the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in their zealousness, love
and dedication. A procession of the Cross was held after liturgy
with a service of supplication to the Mother of God and the
Holy Apostles, followed by a trapeza feast at the parish hall,
which was decorated with a special overhang. The clergy spoke
in turn, expressing their love and support for the Holy Church
and Her new First Hierarch. The day ended at 4 o’clock
with the procession of the Kursk Icon from the hall accompanied
by the singing of the troparion to the Mother of God. Outside,
the faithful passed underneath the Miracle-working Icon.
On Saturday, 13 July, the Xth All-Diaspora Youth Conference
of Russian Orthodox Youth begins.