JERUSALEM: 21 April 2003


Archbishop Mark and a Group of Pilgrims Depart for Jerusalem for Passion Week and Pascha

His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany flew out of Munich along with a group of pilgrims through Greece (with a half-day layover in Athens), bound for the Holy Land. Despite the military events, this pilbgrimage was eagerly awaited by the faithful, especially since it included Passion Week, Pascha and Bright Week. The expected group of 20 was in fact doubled. Some who had departed for the Holy Land independently, unable to obtain tickets with the group, will join them there (there were 20 people on the waiting list). Because of the absence of Vladyka Mark, the Paschal services in the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs of Russia in Munich will be led by His Grace Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart. He will spend Passion Week in Stuttgart, arriving in Munich for Pascha.

Archbishop Mark will return to Munich on Bright Week to officiate at the "Children's Pascha" at the Munich Cathedral on Bright Saturday. By tradition, a children's choir sings liturgy alone on this day. After liturgy there is a Paschal trapeza feast, an "egg roll" and other children's games.

(Photo: The descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem, taken by Catherine White of San Francisco, a participant in the 1999 pilgrimage

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