the Feast of the Holy Trinity
the Divine Liturgy on the radiant and fragrant feast of the
All-holy Trinity there follows the solemn and compunctionate
vespers of the Trinity, with its three inspired kneeling prayers.
The first prayer is to God the Father; the second is to the
Lord Jesus Christ in behalf of us sinners living on the earth;
and the third is to the Lord Jesus Christ, in behalf of our
brethren departed in the Faith.
Only on rare days, special moments of the liturgical cycle,
is prayer offered up in church directly to God the Father.
In the cycle of daily services such a eucharistic prayer is
made before the altar-table at the Divine Liturgy, between
the chanting of "I believe..." and "Our Father...,"
when the bloodless Sacrifice of the Son of God is offered
up as a memorial. But on the feast of the Holy Trinity the
vivid awareness that all barriers have been destroyed by our
Savior fills those who believe in Christ with sacred boldness
before God the One Father, for Christ is a Son in His home,
of Whose household we are. "O most pure, undefiled, unoriginate,
invisible, incomprehensible, inscrutable, immutable, invincible,
immeasurable, gentle Lord, Who alone dost possess immortality,
Who dwellest in light unapproachable..." Can we find
any more exalted words than these initial words of the first
Pentecost prayer to God, Who is uncircumscribable in His essence?
God! Only using feeble allusions can one designate what our
mind calls this mystic name. Here is a model of such designations
from the Exposition of Saint John of Damascus:
God is a Being "[u]ncreated, without beginning, immortal,
infinite, eternal, immaterial, good, all-creating, just, enlightening,
immutable, passionless, uncircumscribable, incomprehensible,
unlimited, undefined, invisible, inconceivable, wanting in
nothing, being His own rule and authority, all-ruling, life-giving,
omnipotent, of infinite power, sanctifying and filling with
knowledge, containing and maintaining all, and making provision
for all" (Precise Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Bk.
I, Ch. 14).
The transcendent God revealed Himself to the world through
the advent into the world and the incarnation of the Son of
God, and through the descent of the Holy Spirit into the world,
into the Church of Christ. God dwells in light unapproachable.
Yet God is also with us in human form, in the person of the
Lord Jesus Christ. And He is likewise in us in the grace of
the Holy Spirit. And how close God is to us in the All-holy
Trinity! The name of God among Christians--Trinity--bears
witness to us that God is over us, that God is with us, that
God is within us.
And it is thus not surprising that the concept of the All-holy
Trinity imbues and sanctifies our entire Orthodox Church life,
every prayer, all the divine services, the whole Church; and,
of course, the glorification of the saints of God is accomplished
within the Holy Trinity, for the glory of God in three Hypoastases,
Who resteth in the saints.
Consider the structure of any church service, even the least
important and solemn, how it is wholly imbued with the idea
of the Trinity!
The beginning prayers: "Holy God...," "Glory...,
Now and ever...," "Most Holy Trinity...," the
triple "Lord, have mercy!," "Glory..., Now
and ever...," the Lord's Prayer and its exclamation,
"For Thine is the kingdom..."--all are directed
to God in three Hypostases.
And further on: the many times repeated "Glory to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit...," the
exclamations of the litanies in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit, the triple "O come, let us worship...,"
the three psalms, the triple Alleluias, the triple "Lord,
have mercy!'s"; and again and again the group of prayers
from "Holy God..." through "For Thine is the
kingdom..."--all to the glory of the All-holy Trinity.
Should we enumerate all the symbols of triplicity: the sign
of the Cross in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, the joining together of three fingers to make it,
the making of it three times over oneself and over sacred
objects, the three bars of the Cross, the three parts of the
services of the Church and the church building itself, and
in many other forms of the Church's law and way of life?
Designated for concentrated prayer in the stillness of the
night, Sunday Nocturns is one, uninterrupted hymn to the Trinity
Who is Lord over the cherubim and is the divine Creator of
the seraphim. And how is the Trinity, indivisible in Unity,
Who with brilliant flashes of lightning overshadows the hearts
of those who pray, hymned in the laudations of Pentecost?
And what can one say about the solemn servicesā¹the all-night
vigil, which opens with the exclamation: "Glory to the
holy, consubstantial, life-creating and indivisible Trinity...?"
Of the Divine Liturgy itself, which leads us into the realm
of the kingdom of God beginning with its first exclamation:
"Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
ages?" Which calls us to "love one another"
for the sake of the most sublime goal--"that with one
might we may confess the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
the Trinity one in essence and indivisible?"
God is love. And the Son of God, before His sufferings on
the Cross, prayed to the Father for those who believe in Him:
"I have declared unto them Thy name, and will declare
it: that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them,
and I in them" {Jn. 17: 26]. "As thou, Father, art
in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us"
[v. 21].
Let us ponder with trembling, compunction and gratitude that
this, the greatest prayer in the history of the world, is
a prayer for us!
The name of the Holy Trinity has been revealed to us so that,
entering more and more profoundly into the life of the Church,
we ourselves may become bound to one another with love in
Christ, in the image of the unity of the Holy Trinity. Every
prayerful thought concerning the consubstantial Trinity is
not only a glorification of God, but is at the same time a
teaching, a reminder for us to love our brother, to see in
him the image of God, a member of the one body of the Church
of Christ.
The goal set for us is holy, never-ending, eternal: to be
one with our brethren just as the Holy Spirit and the Son
of God are one with God the Father. Let us bow down our minds
and hearts before the magnitude of this calling, this goal,
and with oneness of mind let us join our thought to the exclamation
of the Church:
"And grant that we one mouth and one heart we may glorify
and hymn the all-honored and majestic name of Thee--the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit--now and ever, and unto the ages
of ages. Amen."
Translated from the anthology On Life, Faith & the
Church, Vol. I (Jordanville, NY: St. Job of Pochaev Press,