Jordanville: Holy Trinity Cathedral at Holy Trinity Monastery

His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus conducted the service in Holy Trinity Monastery according to the rite described in the article ТLet us Fast with an Acceptable Fast.У This year, His Eminence celebrated divine liturgy on the Triumph of Orthodoxy along with 7 priests and several deacons, and then the Rite of Orthodoxy, intoned by Protodeacon Joseph Jaroschuk.


Protodeacon Joseph Jaroschuk intones the Rite of Orthodoxy at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Jordanville, NY

Munich: St. Nicholas Cathedral

As reported by Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff, Secretary of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany, on February 29, after the end of divine liturgy, at which a multitude of worshipers partook of the Holy Gifts from two chalices, Archbishop Mark performed the Rite of Orthodoxy in the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Munich. He was joined by the Senior Priest of the Cathedral, Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff, Hieromonks Evfimii (Logvinoff) and Alexei (Blagoff)from the Monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich, and also the second priest of the Cathedral, Priest Georg Seide, along with Protodeacon Georg Kobro and Deacon Valerii Mikheeff. The Rite of Orthodoxy was intoned by Protodeacon Georg. Vladimir V. Tsiolkovich directed the choir. At the end of the service, the former warden of the Cathedral, Julia Alekseevna Koliuzhina was awarded a Synodal Gramata [decree of blessing]. The parish gave her a family icon for her birthday, at the center of which was a depiction of the icon of the Sign. Julia Alekseevna hails from Novgorod oblast’. The Synodal Gramata noted the achievements of Julia Alekseevna in her adornment of the church, the sewing of vestments for many clergymen of the German Diocese and monks of the Munich monastery, as well as her work with youth in the parish school. Indeed, Julia Alekseevna performed an enormous task over the decades to benefit the church in Munich. Many years!

Archbishop Mark performs the Rite of Orthodoxy at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Munich, Germany

Protodeacon Georg Kobro intones the Rite of Orthodoxy at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Munich, Germany

Archbishop Mark delivers a sermon on the Triumph of Orthodoxy

Julia Alekseevna Koluzhina receiving a Synodal Decree [Gramata]

New York, NY: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign

The first week of Great Lent at the Synodal House in New York was spent in prayer and services held in accordance with the rule. The first three days, all the services were performed by His Grace Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan, who officiated at the pre-sanctified liturgy on Clean Wednesday along with Priest Victor Dobroff of the Cathedral, with the beautiful singing of the Synodal choir under the direction of Irina Mozyleva. On Clean Friday, pre-sanctified liturgy was performed by Protopriest Andrei Sommer and Priest Serafim Gan, followed by a service of supplication with the reading of the canon to Great Martyr Theodore the Tyro and the blessing of the koliva, led by His Grace Bishop Gabriel.

On the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Bishop Gabriel conducted divine liturgy along with Protopriest Andrei Sommer, Priests Serafim Gan and Victor Dobroff, along with Protodeacons Eugene Burbelo and Nicolas Mokhoff. Protodeacon Nikolai intoned the Rite of Orthodoxy. By this time, Protopriest Wsewolod Dutikow arrived, the Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Astoria, NY; Priest Alexander Botschagow, Rector of Holy Fathers Church in New York, NY; Deacon Dimitri Temidis of Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY, and many worshipers from nearby parishes. Many came on this day to venerate the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, which departed for the Diocese of Chicago and Detroit on the following day, where it will visit parishes until Lazarus Saturday, when it will be returned to the Synodal Cathedral.

Bishop Gabriel performs the Rite of Orthodoxy at the Synodal Cathedral

Bishop Gabriel reads a prayer from the Rite of Orthodoxy at the Synodal Cathedral

Protodeacon Nicolas Mokhoff intones the Rite of Orthodoxy at the Synodal Cathedral


His Emninence Bishop Gabriel Blesses parishoners in Synod.

San Francisco: Cathedral of the Mother of God ТJoy of All Who SorrowУ

Services were conducted with great solemnity in the first week of Great Lent at the Cathedral of the Mother of God ТJoy of All Who SorrowУ in San Francisco, led by Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, where the relics of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-worker are kept. At the end of divine liturgy on the first Sunday of Great Lent, during which two chalices were used to administer the Holy Gifts, the Rite of Orthodoxy was performed by

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill along with 8 priests, and intoned by Protodeacon Vitaly Sabelnik.

Archbishop Kyrill performs the Rite of Orthodoxy as Protodeadon Vitaly Sabelnik intones the Rite at Joy of All Who Sorrow Cathedral

Archbishop Kyrill lowers the dikiri and trikiri during the intonation of the anathemas

Worshipers venerate the icons after the Rite of Orthodoxy in San Francisco

Sydney, Australia: Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul

As reported to Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis of Sydney, Archbishop Hilarion of Sydney and the Australia/New Zealand Diocese conducted divine liturgy at the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul in Strathfield, near Sydney, on February 29. On the eve, he attended all-night vigil at the episcopal residence’s Church of All Russian Saints in Croydon, the Diocesan headquarters and residence of His Eminence. On Sunday, Archbishop Hilarion was joined by Protopriest George Lapardin of the Cathedral (the Dean of the Sydney Deanery and Senior Priest of the Cathedral, Protopriest John Stukach, was not in attendance due to illness), along with Protodeacons Boris Evstigneev and Nicholas Triantafillidis and Deacon Vadim Gan, clergyman of the episcopal church, in a service attended by an enormous number of worshipers. Over 150 people partook of the Holy Gifts, administered from two chalices. The Rite of Orthodoxy, intoned by Protodeacon Boris Evstigneev, was also attended by Protopriest Michael Boikov and Deacon Alexander Kotliaroff after serving at the Archbishop’s church.

Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul, Sydney, Australia


Chicago: Holy Virgin Protection Church

At the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral near Chicago, the Rite of Orthodoxy was performed by Bishop Peter of Cleveland, the Vicar of the Diocese of Chicago and Detroit, along with Priests Andre Papkov, John Sykaluk, Jeremiah Loch and Valerii Vovkovsky, along with Hierodeacon Juvenal and Deacon Gregory Dobrov. His Eminence Archbishop Alypy of Chicago and Detroit prayed in the altar and communed of the Holy Gifts. During the Rite of Orthodoxy, intoned by Priest Andre Papkov, Bishop Peter sat on the cathedra, holding the dikiri and trikiri and lowering them during the singing of Тanathema,У as was the custom before the revolution in some of the cathedrals of Russia, and in San Francisco as well. At the end of service, the choir, led by Reader M. Gill, sang the hymn of St. Ambrose of Milan, ТPraise Thee, O Lord.У

Bishop Peter performs the Rite of Orthodoxy at Holy Virgin Protection Church, Des Plaines, IL

Priest Andre Papkov intones the Rite of Orthodoxy at the Chicago Cathedral