at the Opening of the Council of Bishops of 1964,
at Which Metropolitan Philaret was Elected First Hierarch
(on the 40th Anniversary of the Election and Enthronement
of Metropolitan Philaret)
On these solemn Paschal days there
can be no other greeting than the joyous ТChrist is Risen,У and
I am elated to hear the no less celebratory response ТIndeed He
is Risen!У Yes, indeed He is risen, and we are reaping the benefits
of His victory. The radiance of this light illuminates our Council,
a Council we have awaited for so long, not knowing what it would
bring us in these days of the bright joy of the victory of Christ
over evil. Christ has risen from the dead in order to give life
to all, and we are vitally sensing this victory over death, gained
by Him through the holy struggle of His suffering. It is good to
see all those who have come for this church celebration, which is
brightly manifested in the important days of the Council, which
determines the very existence and passing of church life. Now, more
than before, Тthe grace of the Holy Spirit gathers us.У It gives
us joy, strength and wisdom. It is the breath of the Divine Spirit
and it reveals to us the treasured mysteries of the Church. It is
pleasing to see the representatives of the entire Church Abroad,
to which the Lord entrusted the preservation of the treasured pearl
of Holy Orthodoxy. We sense the breath of the Spirit of God, with
Which we live and move. We hope that in our communion, in our mutual
love, in the spirit of wisdom we will find the way to build the
Church upon the right path. In order to rid ourselves of that which
has borne division and enmity, which recently came about in these
troubled times, we must open ourselves to the work of grace. May
we be allowed to remember this division only in order that we may
guard you against it in the future. When the Church divides itself
in conflict, then those who are close and dear to us seem to transform
into enemies, who seek not the common good, not consolation, but
hostility and anger, as though we were born to be enemies to each
other, and not for unity. And we desire to set aside the enmity
and hatred which so does not become us, lest we bear the heavy burden
of responsibility of not fulfilling the oath which we give during
our consecration. In our work of ecclesiastical creation and labor
we must be the guiding forces, especially now, in these times filled
with troubles. And we hope that mutual love will correct those moved
by zeal beyond wisdom. We must be thankful to God that He grants
us the opportunity to carry on our work in mutual love. Let us pray
that the Lord turns us away from all that is harmful and all that
is dangerous. Now, as we begin our ecclesiastical labor, we must
pray especially fervently that the Lord grant us wisdom, and especially
that He imparts unto us the fear of God, from which all our work
especially depends. While godlessness grows in our Homeland, true
mutual love is especially needed, and courage in the preservation
of Orthodox truth. We must treasure the truth, to which our ecclesiastical
life is directed. The life of the Church is built according to a
special plan unseen by us. It is full of mysterious movement, unfathomable
to the human mind. The Lord sometimes even allows temptations, when
truth is almost hidden from us for a time, and then we must pray
that the Lord steer our ship along the path of the truth. Sometimes
we are threatened by tribulations of the spirit of evil in the world.
The spirit of communism, of deceit and of lies leads to death. We
will travel upon the path of confessing the Word of God in this
troubled time. There is nothing more dangerous than the path of
deceit. May the Lord help us stand firm to the end and acquire the
path of truth and not to shame our calling, in order to achieve
the triumph of our Orthodox Faith through our mutual love and unity,
which is the victory of Christ’s Resurrection. May our Lord Savior
be with us, Whose glory is now and for ever. Amen.
From the editors: On the day of
his election as First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside
of Russia, His Grace Bishop Philaret (Voznesensky, +1985) of Brisbaine,
asking the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Anastassy for his
new position, offered to appoint the latter as Honorary President
of the Council and Synod of Bishops for life, while St. John of
San Francisco (Maximovich, +1966), supported the proposal to grant
His Eminence Metropolitan Anastassy the title "Blessed"
and the right to wear two panaghias. The minutes of the Council
of Bishops of 1964 state:
"Both offers were accepted
and "axios" and Many Years are sung to the Blessed Metropolitan
Anastassy "Metropolitan Anastassy thanked everyone for the
honors, which he had not expected at all, and so remained speechless
when they were offered. He expressed joy for the unity of spirit,
but not to his new position, which he did not feel he deserved and
which he would eagerly decline if he had the right to do so. Several
times, the bishops approached the topic and he always refused the
honor, feeling himself unworthy. He fully shared the overall joy
of the Bishops and was in unity of spirit with them. 'This is the
day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.'
There is indeed something to be joyful about. A new era is beginning
and the Metropolitan joins our common joy. We rejoice that the Lord
has consoled us after terrible tribulations, which we all endured.
So many times it seemed that our holy work, to which we had dedicated
our entire lives, might be destroyed. The Lord gazed upon us and
showed us His mercy. The unity achieved by us is dear to us to the
highest degree, and it is especially joyous to see this concord
now. All the Bishops proved to be at the high level of their calling,
showing unity of spirit. The Metropolitan said that he wished that
this would always be the case in the future. The Lord now reminds
us that we all come from one root—the Blessed Metropolitan Anthony
(Khrapovitsky, +1936), who fathered us and is our unseen leader.
There is nothing better than to "live as brothers together,"
and we must strive to live this way while it is given to us. We
emphasized this unity from our common father, Metropolitan Anthony,
who laid the foundations of our Church and who spoke so much about
love in his works. May his memory be blessed and may he rejoice
on this day, for he loved us truly as his children. Today may his
soul rejoice in the Lord. May the Lord forthwith heed our humble
prayers and may He bless our young brother, who has brought us the
joy of new life.
"The Metropolitan thanked
all the bishops for their love, which accompanied him over the long
life's journey and which he feels he does not worthy of, but which
illuminates his days. We must give thanks that the Lord, Who in
the days of tribulation showed us the true love that conquered the
world. He showed us the grace and peace when we did not expect it.
We had temptations, but they disappeared like smoke. We cherish
the talents of our electee. May the Lord's grace be with him and
may it protect and save all of us, leading us towards a better fate.
"In conclusion, Blessed Metropolitan
Anastassy asked to sing Many Years once more, now to Metropolitan
Philaret, which the Council did.
"All the members of the Council
approached Blessed Metropolitan Anastassy and His Eminence Metropolitan
Philaret with their greetings, after which the act was drawn up
and signed."