NEW YORK: March 13, 2012
St Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral Hosts the Presentation of Protopriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. His Life and Legacy.
On Sunday, March 11, 2012, after divine services at St Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York, there was a presentation of the book Protopriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. His Life and Legacy (1912-1971) in the Cathedral refectory. The books’ co-author and son of Fr Seraphim, Alexei Slobodskoy, spoke. The book relates the story of the life and work of the renowned pastor of the Russian diaspora, known throughout the Russian Orthodox Church as the author of the popular tome The Law of God. Last November marked the fortieth anniversary of his death.
Alexei Seraphimovich’s lecture was supplemented with a slide presentation of photographs and creations of Fr Seraphim, who was a magnificent artist and icon-painter.
The parishioners of St Nicholas warmly greeted the speaker, and His Eminence Archbishop Justinian gave Alexei Seraphimovich an icon of the Heavenly Protector of the Cathedral and a book on his life.
The following Sunday, March 18, Mr Slobodskoy will make a similar presentation at St Seraphim Church in Sea Cliff, NY.
Protopriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. His Life and Legacy (1912-1971) can be purchased from the Synod bookstore.