MOSCOW: August 17, 2008
With the Blessing of Patriarch Alexy, Prayers for Peace in the Caucasus Are to Be Added to Divine Services
Beginning today, in the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church, in addition to the usual petitions during the divine services there will be offered up prayers especially composed for the deliverance of the peoples of the Caucasus from "enmity, disorder and civil strife."
His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, by his own decision has blessed that the following petitions be added to the daily cycle of divine services:
- "That Thou mayest bless the nations of the Caucasus with Thy goodness and quell among them enmity, disorders and civil strife; and grant them a peaceful life and length of days, we beseech Thee, O Lord: Hearken, and have mercy!
- That Thou mayest deliver the peoples of the Caucusus from all tribulation, perils, wrath and need, and from all enemies, and mayest surround them with peace and the armies of Thine angels, we beseech Thee, O all-good Lord: Hearken, and have mercy!
In addition to these petitions, there is a specially-composed "Prayer for Peace in the Caucasus", the text of which follows:
Prayer for Peace in the Caucasus
O Master Who lovest mankind, King of the ages and Bestower of good things, Who hast destroyed enmity and givest peace to the human race: Grant peace even now unto all Thy servants who dwell in the lands of the Caucasus, and especially to the much-suffering people of South Ossetia. Establish among our nations love one for another; quell every uprising; and allay all dissent and temptations. Grant unto them, O Lord, health and oneness of mind, protect them from all tribulations, afflictions and sudden death; bring an end to all enmity and malice which ariseth through the activity of the devil. Plant peace, O Lord, through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos, of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-called, of the first hierarchs of Moscow, of the holy Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles, and of the Great Martyr George the Victorious. For Thou art our peace, and we send up glory unto Thee—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Press Service of the Moscow Patriarchate
